IPONE X-Tream Racing Bromsvätska
Helsyntetisk bromsvätska speciellt anpassad för tävling och bankörning.
Mycket hög torrkokpunkt (328°C).
Överträffar kraven för både DOT 4 & DOT 5.1 bromsvätskor.
X-TREM BRAKE FLUID has been specially designed for competition, for track and off-road use.
Its highest possible dry boiling point (>328°C), superior to conventional fluids (DOT 5.1 and DOT 4 >270°C), ensures thermal stability and maintains braking power and efficiency even in extreme conditions. You will be able to take the turn at the end of a straight line with confidence!
Its very high wet boiling point (>204°C) allows efficient braking under the rain.
This racing brake fluid is DOT 4 compatible, which allows the use of the fluid in high performance sports motorcycles in road application. It is suitable for carbon, ceramic or conventional steel brakes.
It provides excellent protection to the entire brake system (hoses, caliper seals, front and rear master cylinders and brake lines) and extends its lifespan.
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